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Tequila sunrise mushroom

Tequila sunrise mushroom

Regular price £24.99 GBP
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is a member of the Rhodactis family. This family comes in a wide range of different sizes, shapes and colour variations.


One of these variations is the legendary bounce mushroom.


 This coral can tolerate lower lighting, and lower flow.


Too much flow will cause them to release themselves from the rockwork and float around the tank, looking for a more appropriate location to settle.


In addition to this, it will also require the correct levels of Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium along with various other trace elements found in natural seawater.


Additional feeding isn't required to maintain its health, as they get the majority of their food from photosynthesis. However, they will eat both small and large food items.




Care Level - Easy


Flow - Low


Lighting - Lower end but can tolerate a wide range of lighting


Temperament - Peaceful 

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